How to Mass Assign Benefit Scheme?

How to Mass Assign Benefit Scheme?

Administrator would like to assign benefit scheme to more than one employee at the same time.

Possible cause (s):
1. There is a batch of new employees joined at a same time.
2. The employees need to have a new Benefit Scheme with same effective date.

Suggested workaround/ solution(s):
1. Expense Administrator go to Expense > Employee Expense > Expense Assignment > Mass Assignment tab.
2. At the search filter, choose the appropriate company, the Benefit Scheme name that will be assigned to user and the effective date and Click Next.
3. On the next page, select the affected staff by ticking on the staff name and click Submit.

Mass assigning Benefit Scheme does not support different effective dates. If the Benefit Scheme needs to have different effective dates, the Administrator will need to assign the Benefit Scheme to staff individually. 
The system also supports mass assign Benefit Scheme via Excel file upload. The Administrator will need to go to Expense > Employee Expense > Expense Assignment > Mass Assignment tab, click "Upload Employee Benefit Scheme Assignment" button. Click "Download Template" button to download the template and edit the template according to the legend as guide. Click "Upload" button to upload the template once ready.