Resignee Salary is calculated wrongly if using Work Calendar 5.25 (Alt Sat) days

Resignee Salary is calculated wrongly if using Work Calendar 5.25 (Alt Sat) days

E.g. Employee last day is on 12th July 2024 (Friday), salary proration is based on 10.25 days rather than 10.5 days.

System calculates each Saturday as 0.25 days rather than alternate Saturday as 0.5 days. Administrator can choose either option to resolve the wrong calculation issue

Option 1
Go to Payee Data and amend the worked days to 10.5 days (10 days if the first Saturday is not a working day).

Option 2
Go to Payroll > Work Calendar > Work Pattern tab and set half day for the respective Saturday in order for the system to calculate pro-rated salary correctly.