The employee attempts to
make amendment for the claim that has been approved by manager.
In this case, within his/her Claim status page (My Expense -> Claim Status) , there is no
“Amend” button available for him/her to click.
1. This expense claim has been locked and paid out
2. The status is shown as “Completed” (it has been verified by Expense verifier)
For PC(1), there is no way to amend the expense claim anymore once it has been paid.
1. Go to Expense -> Employee Expense -> Expense Data
2. Click on the blue link within the Expense Form column (affected)
3. In the next page, find under the “Claim Entry” and click on claim type name (blue link)
4. In the Edit Claim
Item page, change any information as required.
5. Click on “Save” button