Why is the staff's Attendance Data cannot be amended/deleted?

Why is the staff's Attendance Data cannot be amended/deleted?

Attendance Administrator noticed at Attendance Data, there is no checkbox to delete, or checkbox to "Edit Clocking Record" when accessing the record details

Possible cause (s):
The staff's affected Attendance Data is already processed at Attendance > Attendance Processing > Payment Processing

Suggested workaround/ solution(s):
1. Attendance Administrator to go to Attendance > Attendance Processing > Payment Processing.
2. Go to <Manage Time Payment> tab and search for the staff's name, choose the correct Attendance Period and the month that contains the affected date.
3. Tick the staff's name and click "Remove Record" button.
4. Once the Payment processing record is removed, the Attendance Administrator will be able to amend/delete the staff's affected Attendance Data.