How to set Carry Forward (CF) leave expiry date to another expiry date?

How to set Carry Forward (CF) leave expiry date to another expiry date?


Users may want to extend the Carry Forward leave expiry to another date, for example from 31 March to 30 Apr.


Suggested workaround/ solution(s):

a) If the Carry Forward expiry date is to be adjusted for all of the employees in the same Leave Scheme

Go to Leave > Leave Management >Leave Scheme> Select the Leave Scheme>Select Leave Group> At Entitlement Tab, adjust the Expiry Date to another expiry date > Save

b) If the Carry Forward expiry date is to be adjusted for only one employee or some of the employees in the same Leave Scheme.

1. Wait for the carry forward leave to expire on the last day and check the remaining amount of leave to be forfeited.
2. Go to Leave > Employee Leave > Leave Data > Leave Credit > Credit the amount of leave that is being forfeited.
3. Monitor the amount of leave credited being used, when it reaches the new expiry date, admin will uncredit the unused CF leaves remaining.
4. Go to Leave > Employee Leave > Leave Data > Leave Credit > Uncredit the leave by putting a negative sign on it, and the date of credit will be on the day after the new expiry date.

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